MSc Dissertation (by research)

Student Title Defense datesort ascending
RACHEL CLEMENTE CARVALHO Inventory of a production forest using MSI/Sentinel-2 imagery and digital aerial photogrammetry 30/04/2021
THIAGO NUNES DA SILVA MACEDO Risk of fire for areas suitable for forestry plantations 26/02/2021
MARLICE PAES LEME VIEIRA Evalution of ergonomic and physical risk factors in forest sector activities 26/02/2021
INGRIDH MEDEIROS SIMÕES Heat stress in the physiological quality of seeds and in vitro morphogenesis of Dalbergia nigra 25/02/2021
ÉMILLY SOARES GOMES DA SILVA Technological properties of young red-angico wood and its efficiency in glued joints 23/02/2021
NIVEA MARIA MAFRA RODRIGUES Technical and economic viability of sustainable
forest management in a management area under forest concession in the
eastern Amazon
ÁLISON MOREIRA DA SILVA Biochar as a raw material for the production of densified seed carrier capsules 19/02/2021
QÜINNY SOARES ROCHA Eucalyptus management submitted to different spacing and thinning weights aiming at multi-products 18/02/2021
HERNESISE MAYARD Tannins in the fungi inhibition and the seed germination of Pinus taeda L. 29/07/2020
RAYNORD MAYARD Relationships between growth rings and physicalmechanical properties of Pine spp. 17/07/2020
LUCAS DUARTE CALDAS DA SILVA Change in volume, biomass and carbon of the stem in a Seasonal Semideciduous Forest of the Atlantic Forest 30/04/2020
CAROLINE PALACIO DE ARAUJO Functional fruit trees in the Atlantic Forest: phenotypic and molecular diversity, hormonal, nutritional and antioxidant composition in Lecythis pisonis and Lecythis lanceolata 21/02/2020
GUILHERME JOSÉ MORES Natural regeneration and seed bank in montane rainforest after fire 20/02/2020
EDILSON SARTER BRAUM Spatialization of daily air temperature considering the altitude 20/02/2020
ANTONIO HENRIQUE CORDEIRO RAMALHO Zoning of potential areas for implementing forestry development in the state of Espírito Santo using the Fuzzy logic 20/02/2020
JULIANA KRÜGER ARPINI Different edges on dinamics in seed and litter rain in forest ombrophilic 20/02/2020
DANIELA MININI Wood density of Atlantic Forest species in the state of Rio de Janeiro,
RITA DE CÁSSIA FREIRE CARVALHO Influence of El Niño / La Niña phenomena on the vegetation of the Atlantic Forest biome 18/02/2020
GIZELY AZEVEDO COSTA Geotechnologies applied to the behavioral study of urban heat islands 18/02/2020
ROBERTO ANTONIO DA COSTA JERONIMO JUNIOR Functional features of two tree legumes: translocation of nutrients and mycorrhizal association 17/02/2020
ROLDÃO CARLOS ANDRADE LIMA Environmental risk assessment in an emergency vehicle used in forest areas 17/02/2020
VINICIUS BORGES TAQUETTI Numerical modeling in mixed wood and concrete beams 14/02/2020
CAROLINE TAVARES FIRMINO Microclimate of silvopastoral system in different slope orientations 11/02/2020
ANA CARLA BEZERRA DE LIMA Effect of thermal modification on the properties of African mahogany (Khaya ivorensis A. Chev.) wood 30/04/2019
MARICÉLIA MOREIRA DOS SANTOS Germination and morphogenesis in vitro of Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex Benth 28/02/2019
LOURDES MARIA HILGERT SANTOS Changes in heartwood and density of eucalyptus wood as a function of age and planting spacings 28/02/2019
FERNANDO MORELI SALVADOR Economic viability of the resawing of eucalyptus slabs: use of the Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing method 28/02/2019
ELISA REGINA DA SILVA In vitro germination and morphogenesis of Melanoxylon brauna Schott 28/02/2019
ANDRÉ PRATA VILLAS-BOAS MACIEL Evaluation of the quality of the machined surfaces of Pinus elliottii Engelm. and Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill decks 28/02/2019
DAIANA SOUZA DE JESUS Effect of physical and anatomical parameters on the micro drilling resistance of Eucalyptus wood 27/02/2019


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