MSc Dissertation (by research)

Student Title Defense datesort ascending
NAYARA FRANZINI LOPES Development of glued laminated timber dunnage with eucalyptus waste 27/02/2019
LHORAYNNE PEREIRA GOMES Natural regeneration and soil seed bank under edge effects in a fragment of Dense Ombrophilous Lowland Forest 27/02/2019
DAIANA SOUZA DE JESUS Effect of physical and anatomical parameters on the micro drilling resistance of Eucalyptus wood 27/02/2019
LETÍCIA DA PASCHOA MANHÃES A Bayesian approach to the modeling of growth and forest production of Eucalyptus 26/02/2019
ALINE RAMALHO DOS SANTOS Sexed propagation, vegetative and genetic diversity of Dalbergia nigra in miniclonal garden 26/02/2019
RODRIGO GOMES GORSANI Seeds rain and seeds bank in Seasonal Semideciduous Forest with different uses of the soil 26/02/2019
ELBYA LEÃO GIBSON Sexual and vegetative propagation and genetic diversity of Melanoxylon brauna ministumps 26/02/2019
TAÍS RIZZO MOREIRA Proposal to implement ecological corridors as a strategy to mitigate environmental impacts in the Doce river basin, Brazil 25/02/2019
DÂMARIS FIGUEIREDO BILLO NOGUEIRA Drying time of Eucalyptus dunnii trees and the adjustment of chopper knives on the quality of chips for energy purposes 22/02/2019
LEANDRO CHRISTO BERUDE Comparative operational analysis of mechanized thinning methods in Pinus taeda plantations 22/02/2019
VANÊSSA LAÍS VALENTINO SOARES BARBOSA Localization of areas susceptible to desertification using cellular automata in Gilbués - PI 15/02/2019
SILVIO SÉRGIO CAÇADOR Working condition and quality of life in the use of pesticides in the forest sector 24/09/2018
JOSÉ GUILHERME DOS SANTOS MOREIRA Quality assessment and market of pinus wood for microenvironment of Syrian Hamster (Mesocricetus Auratus Waterhouse) 29/08/2018
KELLY GASPAR FILGUEIRAS NERY Perception and environmental vulnerability of the Blue Stone State Park, ES, Brasil 31/07/2018
ELAYNE KATIA DOS SANTOS GALVÃO Climatic conditions and ecophysiological behavior of forest essences 28/02/2018
NAIARA MACHADO NEVES Natural regeneration and nutrient cycling in a Seasonal Forest fragment dominated by Fabaceae in Alegre, ES 28/02/2018
JÉFERSON PEREIRA MARTINS SILVA Prognosis of forest production using a neural-fuzzy system and random forest 28/02/2018
IZABELLA LUZIA SILVA CHAVES Extraction and characterization of tannins from eucalyptus bark cultivated in contrasting environments 28/02/2018
ISÁIRA LEITE E LOPES Evaluation and selection of predictive variables in the estimation of wood density of Eucalyptus 28/02/2018
TAMYRIS DE MELLO Establishment and multiplication in vitro of Lecythis pisonis Cambess 27/02/2018
THUANNY LINS MONTEIRO ROSA Genetic diversity, morphophysiological behavior and nutritional status of Lecythis pisonis Cambess 27/02/2018
SOFIA MARIA GONÇALVES ROCHA Density basic of eucalyptus wood in climatic gradient in Brazil 26/02/2018
MARCIANA CHRISTO BERUDE Vegetative propagation of Inga edulis Mart. by cutting and minicutting 26/02/2018
CAMILLA DE OLIVEIRA SOUZA Energy potential of young wood and charcoal of Anadenanthera peregrina 26/02/2018
FABRINA TEIXEIRA FERRAZ Influence of forests on the flow of watersheds of Espírito Santo 22/02/2018
FRANCIELLE RODRIGUES DE OLIVEIRA Water hydro environmental of springs in the Settlement Florestan Fernandes 20/02/2018
ANNY FRANCIELLY ATAIDE GONÇALVES Estimation of dendrometric characteristics for Submontane Semidecidual Seasonal Forest using OLI and SRTM data 20/02/2018
MARIANA DE AQUINO ARAGÃO Modeling the distribution of diameters in paricá stands under different spacing 19/02/2018


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