Program historical

The Graduate Program in Forest Sciences was created through the Resolution nº 44/2007 of the University Council.
It was accredited by CAPES in July of 2007 (Letter N. 39-12/2007/CTC/CCA/CAPES of 07/31/2007) when it received grade 3 and it was recognized by MEC (Ordinance nº 87, of January 18th, 2008). The first group of master’s students started its activities in march of 2008.

In the triennial evaluation (2007-2009) of CAPES the Program kept grade 3 because it only had 2 years of existence.

In 2012 CAPES authorized the creation of the Doctoral course, deserving a grade 4. In January of 2013, the course was approved and created at UFES. The first group of doctoral students started its activities in March of 2013.

In the triennial evaluation (2010-2012) of CAPES the Program got grade 4.

The PPGCFL strongly invests in establishing partnerships with private companies in the Forestry sector (Fibria, Vale, Cenibra, Cemig, Suzano among others), government agencies (state secretariats, ICAPER, IDAF, among others) and NGOs. Besides that, the teachers and the students of the PGCF are stimulated to propose research projects and/or infrastructures along with official funding agencies (CNPq, CAPES, FINEP, FAPES) what has been done regularly with many positive results in relation to approval and funding.

Graduates and enrolled:The program already has 315 masters and 79 doctors and counts with 87 students regularly enrolled, being 35 in the masters and 52 in the doctorate.

Name of the coordinators and assistants-coordinators:

Period: 2023-2025
Coordinator: Henrique Machado Dias
Assistant coordinator: Michel Picanço Oliveira

Period: 2021-2023
Coordinator: Henrique Machado Dias
Assistant coordinator: Michel Picanço Oliveira

Period: 2019-2021
Coordinator: Graziela Baptista Vidaurre Dambroz
Assistant coordinator: Henrique Machado Dias

Period: 2017-2019
Coordinator: Rodrigo Sobreira Alexandre
Assistant coordinator: Graziela Baptista Vidaurre Dambroz

Period: 2015-2017
Coordinator: Marina Donária Chaves de Arantes
Assistant coordinator: Gilson Fernandes da Silva

Period: 2013-2015
Coordinator: Roberto Avelino Cecílio
Assistant coordinator: Marina Donária Chaves de Arantes

Period: 2011-2013
Coordinator: Roberto Avelino Cecílio
Assistant coordinator: Juarez Benigno Paes

Period: 2010-2011
Coordinator: José Franklim Chichorro
Assistant coordinator: Juarez Benigno Paes

Period: 2008-2010
Coordinator: José Franklim Chichorro
Assistant coordinator: Felipe Vaz Andrade / Giovanni de Oliveira Garcia

Program report of the CAPES mark:

2017-2020.............5 (Very Good) Master's and Doctoral Degree

2013-2016………… 4 (Good) Master’s and Doctoral Degree

2010-2012………… 4 (Good) Master’s and Doctoral Degree

2007-2009………… 3 (Regular) Master’s Degree

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