General Information

Welcome to Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (PPGCFL) at Ufes

Brazil is one of the major producers and consumers of forest products in the world. It has important and strategic sectors that are important for the Brazilian economy, such as steel mills, paper, packing and cellulose industry, and civil construction. All of these sectors are heavily dependent on the forest sector. Besides, it has the biggest concentration of conserved tropical forests in the world, promoting new ways of sustainability in the use of forest resources and proposing methodologies of restoration for degraded environment.

However, the country still presents deficiencies in relation to decentralization and availability of technical-scientific information for the Forest sector, both for production and for conservation and, therefore it presents needs that demand technical-scientific knowledge that supports decision-making, both for public policies and for projects of the civil society and private sector.

Due to the economic, social and environmental importance of the forest sector, the Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (PPGCFL) of the Federal University of Espírito Santo is focused on contributing, through technical-scientific specialization of professionals and research, with the production of the forest and timber sector, meeting Brazil’s internal demand, specially in Espírito Santo, allowing for a good competitiveness with other centers of the country.

Due to the training of the teaching staff and the regional needs, this Graduate Program determined its goals, including the development of the professionals that work in 4 research fields: (i) Geotechnology and Forest ecology (ii) Natural Resource Management; (iii) Forest Products; (iv) Forestry.

This way, the PPGCFL, by joint efforts applied to teaching and research, has the goal to expand and to deepen the education, concepts and knowledge of methods and techniques in scientific research, technological and human resource education to exercise the teaching and research activities, and other professional practices, leading to the master’s and/or doctor degree.

The program is based in Jerônimo Monteiro-ES offering a Doctorate in Forest Sciences since 2013 and a Master’s course since 2008 and keeps a qualification profile attested by CAPES, having received a grade 4 in the last evaluation.

The program is based in Jerônimo Monteiro-ES, offering the course of Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (Master’s Degree) since 2008 and has an academic qualification profile certified by CAPES, receiving 4 on its last evaluation.

The program already has 315 masters and 79 doctors and counts with 87 students regularly enrolled, being 35 in the masters and 52 in the doctorate.

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© 2013 Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Todos os direitos reservados.
Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910