Different edges on dinamics in seed and litter rain in forest ombrophilic

Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 20/02/2020

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Examining board:

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DIEGO GOMES JUNIOR External Examiner *

Summary: The main impacts of fragmentation on forest diversity are related to border and barrier effects. Such effects cause changes, whether positive or negative, in the marginal composition of a fragment, which alters the successive secondary processes of regeneration, which can change the composition of the soil and the local floristics in the long term. The installation of roads and the planting of monocultures around the forest are the main factors that disturb the Córrego Grande Biological Reserve - ES. This work aims to evaluate the effects caused by different edges in the seed rain and in the litter, in different interior-edge gradients. The study was carried out in the Córrego Grande Biological Reserve - ES, Conceição da Barra municipality, northern Espírito Santo region. The site has a triangular shape, generating three different edges, however, two edges were previously selected (Forest - FLO. AND Estrada - EST.). The interior (INT.) Of the vegetation will be used as an experimental control. At these three locations, 32 plots (25m x 10m) were used for sampling, which Dias (2019) previously installed. On each plot, 2 collectors of 1 m² were fixed perpendicularly. The seed rain, together with the deposited garbage, was collected monthly for 12 months (July 2018 - June 2019), and then separated into three fractions (branches, leaves and seeds). The density, richness and diversity of the seeds, the contents of macronutrients and carbon present in the litter and the presence of metals in the soil were estimated. INT, FLO areas. and EST. they are similar to each other, but the interior has the highest VI values in the seed rain when comparing the areas, and confirms the high rates of endemism, characteristics of the Matas de Tabuleiro that extend from the north of Bahia to the south Holy Spirit. Litter production is similar in the areas without statistical difference, its annual production is 8893.80 Kg ha-1 year, WHERE the leaves constitute the largest fraction. The high ash values in the leaves demonstrate that the deposition of road particles is adding to the vegetation that, after deposition in the soil, can cause a change in the chemical composition of the soil. The presence of metal contamination occurs in the three study areas, the presence of Fe at the edges (EST) and (FLO) and Zn in (EST) classify the contamination as very high. With this, it can be inferred that the presence of the road directly interferes with the vegetation and soil of ReBio do Córrego Grande, which requires protection measures for the area, which has a high wealth index.

Keywords: Eucalyptus, Road, Environmental contamination

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