Evaluation of harvesting methods in the forest development In rough relief
Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 18/07/2017
Examining board:
Name | Role |
ADRIANO RIBEIRO DE MENDONÇA | Internal Alternate * |
NILTON CESAR FIEDLER | Internal Examiner * |
Summary: SANTOS, Leandro Soares. Evaluation of harvesting methods in the forest development In rough relief. 2017. Dissertation (Masters in Forest Sciences) - Federal University of Espírito Santo, Jerônimo Monteiro, ES. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Luciano José Minette. Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. José Franklim Chichorro.
The objective of this study was to evaluate, technically and economically, three harvesting methods used in forest development in rugged regions in the southern State of Espírito Santo, the data were collected from three rural properties located in the municipalities of Jerônimo Monteiro, São José do Footwear and Mimoso do Sul. The methods evaluated were non-outsourced harvesting and transportation on their own, partially outsourced own harvest and outsourced transportation and fully outsourced harvest and outsourced transportation. It was carried out a study of times and movements, calculation of productivity, operational efficiency, besides the costs of production of each method, as well as the identification of the profile of the workers. For the analysis of the obtained data, the descriptive statistic was used and the results referring to the operational phases were compared by the Student t test at the 5% probability level. The profile of the workers was composed of males, with an average age of 37 years, and a low level of schooling was evidenced. According to the study of times and movements the tipping activity is the one that demands more operational time of the activity cycles, followed by the processing. The operational efficiency of all methods was over 70%. The productivity obtained was higher for the outsourced method when compared to the other two methods evaluated in this study. The highest operating cost for cutting, extracting and stacking activity was found in the method itself. Therefore, it was concluded that there was a technical difference in the execution time of the activities and in the costs of the three evaluated methods, indicating that the partially outsourced method is the best option to be adopted.
Key words: Forestry techniques and operations. Forest management. Forest Cutting. Forestry Extraction.