Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
Wood modification: thermal modification and other processes 01/06/2023 48 Researcher *
14/02/2023 66 Researcher *
Program to develop the culture and quality of African Mahogany wood in Espírito Santo 01/06/2021 48 Coordinator *
Impact of reaction wood on the quality of wood and soluble pulp 01/06/2021 36 Coordinator *
Wood quality of seven eucalyptus species with productive potential 20/05/2020 36 Coordinator *


Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
Wood density of Atlantic Forest species in the state of Rio de Janeiro,
DANIELA MININI 19/02/2020 Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (Master’s Degree)
Application of drilling resistance technique in the estimation of wood specific gravity and moisture in young trees of eucalyptus JOÃO GABRIEL MISSIA DA SILVA 28/02/2019 Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (Doctoral Degree)
Changes in heartwood and density of eucalyptus wood as a function of age and planting spacings LOURDES MARIA HILGERT SANTOS 28/02/2019 Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (Master’s Degree)
Evaluation of the quality of the machined surfaces of Pinus elliottii Engelm. and Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill decks ANDRÉ PRATA VILLAS-BOAS MACIEL 28/02/2019 Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (Master’s Degree)
Drying time of Eucalyptus dunnii trees and the adjustment of chopper knives on the quality of chips for energy purposes DÂMARIS FIGUEIREDO BILLO NOGUEIRA 22/02/2019 Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (Master’s Degree)


Disciplines taught:

Academic termsort ascending Code Name Hours Course
2024/1 PGCF1133 Special Topics in Forest Sciences II 30 Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (Master’s Degree)
2023/1 PGCF1131 Special Topics in Forest Science IV 60 Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (Master’s Degree)
2022/1 PGCF1131 Special Topics in Forest Science IV 60 Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (Master’s Degree)

Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
ANA CAROLINA BÔA Modeling for estimation of the eucalypt wood basic density to pulpwood 31/08/2018 Co-advisor * PhD thesis
CAMILLA DE OLIVEIRA SOUZA Energy potential of young wood and charcoal of Anadenanthera peregrina 26/02/2018 Advisor * MSc dissertation
SOFIA MARIA GONÇALVES ROCHA Density basic of eucalyptus wood in climatic gradient in Brazil 26/02/2018 Advisor * MSc dissertation
BRUNELA POLLASTRELLI RODRIGUES Effect of contrasting environments on wood production and properties of Eucalyptus clones 30/08/2017 Co-advisor * PhD thesis
MÁRCIA FERNANDA CARNEIRO Wood quality of eucalypt clones to pulp wood 30/08/2017 Co-advisor * MSc dissertation


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