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Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)
Curriculum: https://lattes.cnpq.br/8699171075880935
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000000243763660

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
01/08/2011 24 Coordinator *
01/07/2011 36 Researcher *
01/08/2010 24 Coordinator *
01/08/2010 24 Coordinator *
01/08/2010 24 Coordinator *


Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
Exploration planning in managed Amazonian native forests through operational research EVANDRO FERREIRA DA SILVA 16/09/2019 Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (Doctoral Degree)
Fire record analysis in production forests WESLEN PINTOR CANZIAN 05/07/2019 Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (Doctoral Degree)
Comparative operational analysis of mechanized thinning methods in Pinus taeda plantations LEANDRO CHRISTO BERUDE 22/02/2019 Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (Master’s Degree)
Drying time of Eucalyptus dunnii trees and the adjustment of chopper knives on the quality of chips for energy purposes DÂMARIS FIGUEIREDO BILLO NOGUEIRA 22/02/2019 Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (Master’s Degree)
Working condition and quality of life in the use of pesticides in the forest sector SILVIO SÉRGIO CAÇADOR 24/09/2018 Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (Master’s Degree)


Disciplines taught:

Academic termsort ascending Code Name Hours Course
2022/1 PGCF1203 Logistics Forestry 60 Graduate Program in Forest Sciences (Master’s Degree)


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
WESLEN PINTOR CANZIAN Fire record analysis in production forests 05/07/2019 Advisor * PhD thesis
DÂMARIS FIGUEIREDO BILLO NOGUEIRA Drying time of Eucalyptus dunnii trees and the adjustment of chopper knives on the quality of chips for energy purposes 22/02/2019 Advisor * MSc dissertation
LEANDRO CHRISTO BERUDE Comparative operational analysis of mechanized thinning methods in Pinus taeda plantations 22/02/2019 Advisor * MSc dissertation
ANDRÉ TAVARES DE JESUS Analysis of ergonomic factors in the forest harvest in the southern state of Espírito Santo 16/02/2018 Advisor * MSc dissertation
FÁBIO LACERDA JUCÁ Ergonomic evaluation of workers at a planned furniture factory in the South of Espirito Santo, Brazil 16/02/2018 Co-advisor * MSc dissertation


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